Hire MERN stack developer in India
Dedicated resource in India for MERN stack development
Get 10 Days Risk-Free TrialLooking to hire a Mern stack developer for your project? We can help you. Now hire Mern stack developer from Technoduces. We have highly skilled and experienced Mern stack developers building applications with the latest technology. We provide a complete suite of services with our professionally experienced team of Mern stack developers, designers, QA teams, support teams, etc with end-to-end services. Technoduces’s Mern stack developers are well versed in technologies such as Mongo DB, Express JS, React JS, and Node JS. Our main aim is to provide a robust, intuitive, and user-friendly solution. Our Mern stack developers are ready to deliver top-notch applications according to your business needs.
Hire our Mern stack developer to build a feature-rich and powerful web application for your business. We help to create a better experience for your customers by developing web and mobile applications. Providing an innovative solution for any business sector. Hire Mern stack developer from Technoduces, who build smart, scalable, and interactive web solution for any type of business sector. Why wait? Hire the best Mern stack developer from Technoduces.
Are you looking to hire a dedicated Mern stack developer? Technoduces has a team of highly skilled developer, who uses the latest tools and technology for the development of the project. Our Mern stack developers are ready to work either hourly, monthly, part-time or full-time based on the requirement of the project.
You can hire our developers in India on a monthly contract basis according to the project requirement.
You can hire our developer in India on a long term basis or dedicatedly depending on the project requirement.
Now you can hire any employee either onshore or offshore based in India, full time or part time as per your wish on any custom plan.
Our MERN stack developers are highly experienced and have complete knowledge on MERN stack.
Once you share your project ideas, we provide an NDA signed document before starting the project.
We regularly provide project status details weekly via Skype, mail, call, etc to keep you updated on status.
Technoduces’s Mern stack developers are ready to resolve the issue or provide support within no time. Available all the time.
Hiring our skilled MERN stack developer in India for your project will guarantee you outstanding output.
Once you share your project ideas, our MERN stack expertise provides free consultation on project implementation.
Hire MERN stack developer in India on flexible engagement model either full time or part time (weekly / monthly basis).
Our Mern stack developer assures you to deliver the project on time thus offering you a bug-free application.
Now hire Mern stack programmers who are experienced in providing complete end-to-end services with cost-effective, scalable, and robust solutions. Get the tailor-made application as per your business needs from our Mern stack developer.
Looking to develop a user-friendly eCommerce software application? Hire our Mern stack developer of your choice. Our Mern stack team are expert in porting and migrating applications over the Mern framework.
Our Mern stack developer has a hand full of experience in integrating and migrating the business application. Contact us for experienced Mern stack developers, who are ready to work remotely as per your choice.
Technoduces’s Mern stack developers are well versed in creating a perfect user-friendly and responsive CMS for small, medium, large, or enterprise businesses. Now get custom cms development services.
Hire our Mern stack developers, who are experts in Mern stack maintenance and support for the Mern stack web application. We offer services for any business type and size of business. Contact us for Mern stack application development.
Hire Mern stack developer from Technoduces who offers a complete end-to-end solution in the development of enterprise applications. Our developers are ready to offer apt solutions for your business growth.
Framework | Express.js, Koa.js, Meteor.js |
APIs | Facebook API, Instagram API, YouTube API, Spotify API, Apple Music API, Google API, Jira REST API, GitHub API, SoundCloud API |
UI Framework | Material UI, Angular Bootstrap |
Database | Redis, Firebase, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL |
Tools | Slack, Jira, GitHub, Trello, NPM |
Libraries | Node cron, moment, lodash, Redux, Passport, PM2, Nodemailer, persist, Winston |
Process analysis | Technoduces hiring model | Freelance |
Signing NDA | NDA signed | NDA not signed |
Team size | Junior developer, Senior developer, Project manager, Manager, Tester Admin team & Support team |
Only 1 developer |
If any critical task / problem resolving | Escalated to Senior resource/PM for support | All alone solved |
Deployment process | IT Team handles | Only 1 developer handles |
Support and maintenance | Provide 1 month free support & maintenance | Uncertain |
Legal company registration | Yes company registered & served 10+ years in IT industry | Individual, No legal registration |
Technoduces focus on providing a cost-effective solution. The rate varies according to the scope of Mern stack project, requirement, specification, features, functionality, and design layout of the project.
There is no defined timeline for any Mern stack project. The timeline of the project completely depends on the requirements, features, functionality, customization, integration, etc of the project.
Technoduces has 7+ years of experience Mern stack developer. The developer will dedicatedly work on your Mern stack project and make sure that the application is light, fast, and efficient.
We sign an NDA document before starting up the project. Our developer maintains 100% confidentiality on project ideas.
Yes, complete ownership is guaranteed to the client. You own the complete source code of the project.
No, there are no hidden charges in our web and mobile app development process. We are extremely transparent.
The major benefit of using Mern stack are fast development, scalability, reusability, and flexible solution.
Yes sure, we are open for any interview or screening test for developers.
Yes, You can hire Mern stack developer on an hourly, monthly, part-time or full-time basis.
Technoduces’s Mern stack developer has more than 7+ years of experience.